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Friday, January 6, 2012

JAVA first step - Tutorial Views

JAVA first step
Downloading, Installing JAVA & Creating the development environment

Before start learning java you have to make the programming environment.
That means

1. Download & install JDK (Java Development Kit).
2. Creating the environment variables of the computer.
3. Download an IDE for java programming(Eclipse or NetBeans)

1. Downloading & Installing JDK.

I hope to write this tutorials using Java SE development Kit 7 on Windows environment.
Click here to download Java.
At the moment java 1.7 is the latest. Don't forget to choose your OS correctly in the downloading  page & if you are using 64bit Windows download JDK 64bit release. After downloading the file double click on the exe file & install it.

2. Creating the environment variables of the computer.

First click on start button, right click on Computer, choose Properties...

In properties window click on Advanced system settings

In System Properties window choose Advanced tab & click on Environment Variables

In the Environment Variables window under the user variables choose variable path & click on Edit button.....

In Edit User Variable window, after the value already in the value field, put semicolon & paste the path of the bin folder. Finally click OK.

You can find the bin folder in C:Program Files>Java>jdk1.7.0>bin

After updating the User Variables we have to update the System Variables. It is same as updating User Variables. If there is a system variable we have to edit it like previous.

Under the System Variables choose variable path & click on Edit button.....

In the opening window after the values already in the Variable value field place a semicolon & then paste the path of the bin folder.Finally click OK.

If there is no variable called "path" under System Variables we have to create one.Click on New... & create new system variable.The variable name should be "path" & the variable value should be path of the bin folder.


After making changes apply all by clicking on Apply button in the System Properties window.

3. Downloading an IDE for java programming(Eclipse or NetBeans)

Using an IDE for developing java is easy & attractive way. So we can use Eclipse or NetBeans for that purpose since both of them are popular among programmers.
But I'm personally thinking Eclipse is an easy & most attractive IDE for developing Java programs for the beginners. It doesn't make you tired.

Click here to download Eclipse IDE.(Eclipse 3.7.1 Indigo is the latest).
Click here to download NetBeans IDE.(Choose package with all features).

In next lesson I hope to teach basics in Eclipse....
I hope to see your comments.......

Thank You All.
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Item Reviewed: JAVA first step - Tutorial Views Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Hasan Afaque
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